Chapter History

Chapter History

When Nu Chapter was New...

In 1905, several dear friends at the University of Washington organized the local fraternity Sigma Alpha Sigma (SAS). It's existence was kept secret, and meetings were held every Monday night at the home of one of the women who lived in Seattle. The fraternity was built slowly and carefully as sisters strived to maintain the standards required by a national organization. 

Early in the fall of 1907, Madie Williman, president of SAS, met Bessie Underwood, from Alpha Xi Delta's Theta Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Madison at a dinner given by a University of Washington faculty member. Bessie was a UW student at the time, and she and Madie continued to meet daily in their German class.The two became fast friends, and Madie introduced Bessie to members of Sigma Alpha Sigma. The local sorority women petitioned Alpha Xi Delta to become part of its national organization because of the charming personality and true worth of their Alpha Xi Delta friend.  

On May 31st 1907, the nationally twelfth chapter, Nu Chapter, was installed at the University of Washington by fifteen amazing women: May Chambers, Lillian Esary, Hazel Estes, Pearl Gilkey, Margaret Harris, Ethel Latham, Olive Mueller, Lela Parker, Myrtle Parr, Frances Sanborn, Mary Smith, Marian Schneider, Elsie Waddingham, Magdalene (Madie) Williman, and Ava Young.

More than 2,000 sisters have been initiated into Nu Chapter since its founding.